Hot off the Press…

For those interested in reading about the possibilities, challenges, and the different ways God has been working among the Roma in Europe, browse through the new Mission Frontiers magazine that I had the privilege of guest editing.  The title of the edition—The Roma: A Storied People Write a New Chapter in Mission— is significant in that it shows a movement of the Roma as objects in a story  to the Roma as subjects writing their story. The fact that there are both Roma and non-Roma writers reflects this shift, and they are coming from a wide variety of perspectives and contexts.

Topics include:

Intro and Missiological reflections

Signs and Wonders

Cultural Barriers from the Inside

Cultural Barriers from the Outside



Migration and Mission

Staying Put and Mission

Partnership #1

Partnership #2


2 responses to “Hot off the Press…

  1. Hey – Congratulations on this MF issue – I hadn’t yet heard you were helping do one.


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